Mansfield Park is the story of an impoverished girl who is sent to the home of her wealthy aunt where she spends her childhood and young womanhood. Fanny Price is a quiet, loyal girl who is dedicated to serving those she loves. Her elder cousin Edmund holds special affection. Their simple, joyful lives are interrupted when the Crawfords come to stay near their home, Mansfield Park. Mary Crawford is forward and beautiful and instantly attracts Edmunds attention and vise versa. Her brother, Henry, is charming and seeks to gain the attentions of Edmunds sisters (one of which is engaged to be married). In case you couldn't tell, he's the cad. Jane Austen almost always has a cad in her books. The great thing is that she lets you know which characters not to root for and they always have horrible character traits! Anyway, Fanny is overshadowed and even tested in her love for Edmund, but in the end it's the usual "happily ever after" that everyone secretly wants, even if they won't admit it!
Fanny is my favorite Jane Austen character. She is sweet, gentle, selflessly serves her aunts, endures taunts and demeaning words by another aunt, but never reviles. She shines with purity and innocent love. The adaptation was my favorite so far! The two other versions I've seen of this movie aren't anything to talk about (one of them is scandalous!). I'm very much looking forward to the next couple of adaptations!