What's in a Name?

Ecstasy (n)- 2. Excessive joy; rapture; a degree of delight that arrests the whole mind; joy may rise to ecstasy. (Websters 1828 Dictionary)
Doldrums (n)- A sate of inactivity or stagnation.(Dictionary.com)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The simple life. This sounds so appealing to us in our age of multi-tasking and fast-paced, so-busy-you-can't-take-a-minute-to-be-still culture. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, mostly because I've been so busy and I have been letting life take over rather than letting God take over my life.

I think our conception of simplicity is a bit off. We think of it in terms of action and the amount of work done in a day. That's not really the case, or at least, it's not where simplicity starts. It starts, as with all ways of life, in the heart. What are the motives of my heart in doing each and every one of the activities that consume the minutes of my days? Are they centered on Christ or serving others out of our love for Him? Or are they just things that will serve us and entertain us and keep us looking good and busy?

Life was less complicated when my great-grandmother was a young girl. They spent their days working and serving their parents, perhaps without realizing it. They got up, made breakfast, ate it, set out to work on the farm doing their alotted chores. If they were of the age, they went to school until early afternoon and then came home to help with the rest of the chores, cook dinner, eat it, read or play games and then go to bed. This was a full day, but it wasn't elaborate or filled with fifty different insignificant things. They did things daily to survive and always had time to serve others- to stop by so-and-so's for a visit or to deliver some flour, or whatever be the case. There was a simplicity of direction in life. I want it. All of the high-tech gadgets that are supposed to improve our quality of life often drain it of any quality at all. I'm not suggesting getting rid of all electronics and becoming Amish! I have just decided it's time to re-think my priorities and gain the single-direction of service to God, not letting things like the computer and television and entertainment get in the way.

What started all of this thinking was one of my student's parents. She just recently moved into her mother and father's house for the winter, while they are in Florida. She is extremely blessed to be able to do so and stated that to me, but she also said she is stressed out, depressed and doesn't want to get out of bed. Why? Because her parents house is crammed full with stuff. So much so that it gives her a headache! Clutter. It kills simplicity because it takes out money, our time and our thoughts. And it effects us in greatly negetive ways. The less unecessary items (i.e. junk) we have, the more of our life we gain.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Meditations

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

~ Colossians 2:13-14

These two verses are great to meditate on in regards to preaching the gospel to ourselves daily. That sounds rather strange, but it is something important to do, lest we forget what our Lord Jesus Christ did for us. We were completely dead in our sin, blinded by the lies of satan and our own depraved minds. Jesus took the task of raising our souls from death when He died on the cross for us, giving us life. He has taken away the sin that shouted our guilt before a Holy God, and has nailed it to the cross. Now, we who beleive in Christ, are made innocent and free!

Today, I am thanking God for His indelible grace, through Christ! How about you?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Days fly by

It seems like just yesterday I started this blog. It seems like just yesterday we had our first snow. It seems like just yesterday we moved. It seems like just yesterday my sister started courting Josiah.

It amazes me how fast the days fly by. Each day is filled with good things, but where does the time go? And is it really used in the best possible way? I find myself, often, just busying myself with purposeless little tasks- time robbers. When I have energy I should be doing the things that require the most mental and physical work. Priorities. That's what it is. Where do my priorities lie? Shouldn't I start each day asking God what He would have me to do; what are His priorities for me?

Anyway, that was just a thought.

Life, right now, is filled with wedding planning and suprise making. I am in charge of organizing and designing the decorations for the reception hall as well as several other "maid of honor" duties like a shower, bachelorette party and various other things that will keep the bride stress-free and give her the time to enjoy this process and wonderful event! A friend and I are working on a super secret project for the reception, which I am very excited about. I'm also making a quilt for the young'uns. Busy, busy,busy.

I was thinking about relating to people yesterday and a thought crossed my mind: Isn't disliking someone a selfish thing? If we think about the reasons we don't like them, they usually end up relating to how they treat us. She is just a know-it-all or she's rude and blunt or she's boring. The root of all of those comments is self- she makes me feel stupid, she doesn't treat me the way that I wanted to be treated or she doesn't keep me engaged in conversation. I don't know. Maybe that was obvious to you all, but it finally became clear in this girl's cloudy brain!

So those were some random ramblings. I hope you are all enjoying this wintery weather!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Meditations

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

~ Philippians 2:7-10

This passage reminds me of several things: that I have recieved the righteousness of Christ through faith in Him from God, that as a beleiver I will take part in the resurrection but I also must join in with the sufferings of Christ, and that all things are rubbish and bad investments compared to knowing Jesus Christ.

As a believer I will have trials in my life that will seem horrible and cruel, but then I just need to remember all that Jesus suffered- the pain, separation from God, humiliation- and I know that all of those things are just drawing me closer to Him, my true Treasure!

How am I facing the hardships in my life today? Am I looking at them with eyes of faith? And how do I consider the ways of the world, all of the so called pleasures and treasures in them, compared to my relationship with the Lord Jesus?

Have a wonderful Monday!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday Meditations

I know it's not Monday, but I wanted to fit this in before the week was over!

So teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
~ Psalm 90:12

I love this verse. It is an especially important one for me to memorize as I am not the best steward of the time that God has given me. I tend to waste time by surfing the web for no reason at all. And it's not like I'm reading good, godly articles. I often just go from blog to blog taking in the images. It's not something that will matter for eternity. In light of this verse, I want to number my days and make them count, to realize that each day matters to God and it should matter to us. We don't know how long we have, so we really should live each day with the Kingdom's gain as our goal. This is wise, as the psalm says.

How are you using your time today? Are you making each moment count for eternity or are you merely spending it frivolously?
A big thanks to Ali for creating the Monday Meditations logo. You're so generous with your time! Thank you again!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


One fine saturday, late afternoon,

with a beautiful, prismatic sky

my little sister got engaged to the love of her life!

The one she has waited for.

Congratulations Kayla and Josiah!

May God's blessings, Christ's unconditional love an the Holy Spirit rest upon you both!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

And you think I like Jane Austen.....

First of all, I have to defend myself and say that, as much as I adore Jane Austen's works, I am not her biggest fan! Here are two reasons:

Reason #1- I skipped watching the latest PBS movie so that I could go to a superbowl party!


Reason #2- My blog is not completely dedicated to her.

You think those are measly excuses? Check out these websites:

Check those out and then compare me to them. Am I really THAT obsessed with her? I think not!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Meditations

I was looking up verses for a Bible study on time management/stewardship the other day and I came across this verse:

Let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our hands.
~ Psalm 90:17

This is the last verse in a Psalm of prayer to the LORD. As I read it, I began to hum a little tune to myself and then sang the words with the tune. Now I have it memorized! God's beauty rests upon His children and it is in His strength that our works and strivings during the day are accomplished. I plan on praying this prayer daily this week. How about you?

May our beautiful Lord Jesus establish the work of your hands today!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Monday Meditations

Now, before you get confused over the title of this post, rest assured. I haven't forgotten what day it is. I know it is Saturday. I wanted to introduce a new weekly post that I've decided to call Monday Meditations. I know it's not terribly clever, but alliterations are lovely and I couldn't think of a better one with my pea-sized brain.

Anyway, Monday Meditations will contain a verse to meditate on during the day/week and a question or statement to provoke heavenly thoughts. So, starting this Monday will be the first post. I hope it will encourage you and cause you to think upwards.

PS- if anyone knows how to put text onto an image and can show/tell me how to do so, I would greatly appreciate it!