What's in a Name?

Ecstasy (n)- 2. Excessive joy; rapture; a degree of delight that arrests the whole mind; joy may rise to ecstasy. (Websters 1828 Dictionary)
Doldrums (n)- A sate of inactivity or stagnation.(Dictionary.com)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Trip to PA part 1

On the road, again...

A staple for a long car ride? Nemo!

Pennsylvania was filled with mountains- gorgeous!!

Windmill.... Johnsons' house just over the hills!
Ten minutes after arrival: the guys are already playing ball!! ; )
Ethan got the wiffle ball stuck in the tree! Charlie saved the day with a basketball.
TT and her mr. Blueberry Eyes
Ahh...sweet fellowship! This is why we spent hours in the car....
...and it was soooo worth it!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

On holiday...

.... to see some of my favorite people!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Lost Art Form

Just under one hundred years ago there was no such thing as television, movies, internet, compact discs or even cassettes. What did people do? They told stories. Carried on history through oration. Amazing. I can't tell a good story to save my life and I think part of the problem is that I don't practice. There is no need to.

There is no storyteller I love to hear more than my Grampa Chick. He can spin yarns better than Rumpelstiltskin (you may not know what I'm talking about unless you've heard that story)! I could sit an listen to him for hours as he talks about his past- his experiences as a boy working on his father's farm, his unbelievable mishaps, how he got his nickname "Fast Eddie," his experiences in the war and the wonderful story of His salvation. He is hilarious and engaging. Many people in his generation are. Could this be because he has been telling stories since he was young?

I think, in the midst of all of our very useful technology, we've lost the precious art of storytelling. I know a few people who can tell a good story, but most of them aren't in my generation. Some of the most valuable lessons we can learn come to us in the form of stories. 
I think it's time that we revive this lost tool and reclaim it for the glory of God. After all, there's nothing like a good story!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'll Provide the Popcorn....

..... you provide the fun!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quotes to Muse

“...people will die of thirst a few feet from away from water-bearers who don’t want to impose their water on them.”

“They would rather see a loved one go to hell then be seen as pushy by insisting on telling him the truth.”

~ From Lord Foulgrin's Letters by Randy Alcorn

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

That's What I Love About Sunday

There are such multitudes of blessing in a close-knit fellowship. This is one of the reasons Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
The gorgeous view from the back of the church.
Lydia's work...

After church, some of us usually play a game or two- this week it was wiffle ball and 4-square.
Sweet little Anna

Micah's practicing for Q.B.
Hmmm...mischief in his eyes?
Just ask these two girls who received a lovely gift of burdock in the hair....

Jess looking thoughtful.
Marisa- what a cutie!
Audrey learning guitar- she's incredible!
The always vibrantly attired Sarah!
Jess found a message in a plastic container hidden inside a tree.
It was a list of things to do before you die. 

One of the things I love about our church family is that we don't know when to stop fellowshipping!! Here Dad is entertaining the ladies with some sort of story.... if you know him you can only imagine!  
Sap peepers!!
A lovely photo of Rhonda and Jess.
"I wanna be Your hands, I wanna be Your feet...."

"Jack" and I
Beautiful Bosom Buddies, Hannah and Tasha
I so enjoy Sarah and her fun-loving personality!
Emmy-Lou looking stunning!
Oh no! Katie's been playing wiffle ball in her "stonkings"!

I love it!

The cemetery reminds us of our mortality and the definite end of this world,
the mountains remind us of eternity, the God that owns the earth and to set our thoughts on high things- on Heaven.

God is good! He provides within the walls of this little church growth, sweet, true fellowship, a love for truth and a Pastor who is not afraid to preach it, an ever present reminder of God's provision for us, and grace and love that He's poured out for us. And that's....

...what I love about Sunday.