Here's one of our luggage bags...
Packing, packing, packing.... I'm actually done for now. It's amazing how long it takes one to pack a week's worth of clothing into one little suitcase! Our family will be leaving tomorrow morning for an out-of-state vacation. First we'll be going to visit our dear friends, the Johnsons, in Pennsylvania. I'm so looking forward to a visit with them!
Ethan and I have been study the life of George Washington for the past two months and what better way to celebrate our completion than to go to his estate, Mount Vernon, in Virginia. We'll also be going to Colonial Williamsburg, which was the capital of Virginia during the Revolutionary war. I think it will really help Ethan (and myself) to cement the events of our first President's life into our minds by actually seeing where he lived!
I suppose he'll have to come with us!
The last neck of our trip will be spend in North Carolina where we'll attend the NCFIC Gospel-Centered Marriages conference. I was listening to a radio program which featured Paul David Tripp and something he said stuck out to me. On the subject of his marriage conferences, the interviewer asked him, "So, who do you think should attend your seminars?" To which he promptly replied, "Teenagers." So, though some may think it strange that a single person attend a series of sermons devoted to the topic of marriage, I would agree with Paul Tripp! It is important that we know the facts about marriage before we enter into that state. It is a reflection of the gospel, and therefore should not be entered into lightly!
Anyway, Lord willing, I will have oodles of photos to put up when we get back, as well as sharing with you the information I learn during the conference. (I've also got some photo journal catching up to do with you, so it's a date!)
God's richest blessings!