We invited our church over for a Fried Dough party while we were at Dunn's!
Jess and Sarah- dough rollers extrodinaire
Fully enjoying their dough...
Lovely Emmy-Lou
And a new game we shall title, "Who can leap over Seth?"
Josiah was successful!
All others that tried- Shay, Lance, John, Ethan- came close, but no bananas. : (
Our annual Popham Beach Day
Marshall, looking thoughtful...
Grammy and Ti
Love his little chuckle!
Nabby fell asleep on Auntie Tasha
Marshall all bundled up after playing in the freezing water!
Beautiful new momma and her sweet little girl.
Half of our crew
The Lord blessed us with a gorgeous sunset at the end of our nice day.
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
~ Psalm 19:1
looks like some fun times!!! Beautiful pics of people and sernery!
Fun day!
Both of them. ;)
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